Monday, January 26, 2009

All the cool kids have one...

So, after half of my family jumped on to the blog bandwagon I decided that I would join in. I mean, all the cool kids have one, right?! I always enjoy reading blogs posted by my friends and, it stands to reason that they would enjoy reading mine (in theory anyway) as well. Besides, it gives me something to do at work--other than work--just kidding mom (sort of).

So, the first thing that I want to share is the reason behind the name of my blog--Consider the Lilies. It is a two-fold reason. First, I love lilies. They are one of the most beautiful flowers that I have ever come across, so unique. But even more exquisite than their beauty is the meaning behind the lily. They are a calling to love. The lily literally means, "I dare you to love me". That is how I feel when approaching a new friendship or relationship. I dare you to give me a chance in your life. I know I can, for sure, make it a better place. Secondly, I chose the name consider the lilies because I want to remind you (and myself) to slow down long enough to think about (consider) life around you. See the things that you might not otherwise notice. Some days it is only the small things that may get you through the day. I have learned that sometimes blessing are subtle.

So, here I am. Beginning my journey of blogging day to day. Simple thoughts and profound epiphanies alike. I hope you enjoy my thoughts on life. Please feel free to share yours with me as well!


  1. Love the name! And the reason behind it. I didn't know that about lilies! I always just thought they were pretty (like you!).

  2. loved the blog so far:) people tend to take all the little things in life for granted when they were meant for our enjoyment while we live and breathe on this temporal earth. God is definitely in the small and also the big. thanks for sharing! love ya...liz

  3. well you've certainly made my life a better place. i look forward to your posts. i used to blog a lot (before it was cool =P ), but not so much anymore.

  4. I have a story that you reminded me of. About slowing down and noticing the beauty around you :) I'll email it to you :)

    Blogging is fun :D
